Now that you are thinking about what you are not going to commit to this holiday season, it's time to start thinking about what you want 2010 to look like! Our guest blogger this week is Karen Grunberg the teacher of Reclaiming my Time. Below she shares with us how her workshop came to be and how it has changed her life.
Sometimes things don't work out the way you plan. In my opinion, this is often the case when a bigger and better idea is trying to emerge. Such was the case with the Reclaiming my Time workshop.
When I first thought of the idea for this workshop, my intention was to make a minibook that tracked how I spend my time. As I worked on the idea more and more, I realized how much of my time is spent doing things that are not important to me. When I made a list of activities and people I value the most and compared that to my tracking of where my time went, I was very disappointed.
Sure, just like you, I have my list of obligations. I work a full-time and demanding job. I have kids who need to be fed, washed, driven to school and back, etc. But outside of those day-to-day obligations, I was spending my time doing a lot of insignificant things. You'd be amazed how quickly 30 minutes here and there adds up to a large amount of time.
So my class morphed. It became about reclaiming my time. Changing how my days were going to be spent and creating my 2010 goals around ways to prioritize the important things in my life. The best way to prioritize something is by giving it my most valuable asset: my Time.
As I did the exercises in this workshop, here's what I found for myself:
- Too often, I don't treat time with the respect it deserves.
- I don't treat the people I love with the amount of time they deserve.
- I spend a lot of time doing unimportant activities that I use to fill up my time so I can avoid doing something I am dreading.
Then because I feel guilty about how I’m spending my time, I don't actually give myself a break and go play with my son. Instead, I stare at the computer where the task is beckoning me but I check my blogs, my email, organize my files, and do anything and everything except for the task I'm dreading. Next thing I know, an hour has passed and I've spent none of that doing my obligation (the task I had to do) or playing with my kids (what I actually enjoy doing).
Seeing this in print devastated me. I was wasting my life away, a few minutes at a time.
Another big trend I noticed was that I didn't reserve time for the things I liked to do just for myself such as making art, writing on my blog, or reading.
Things that weren't for my work, husband, or kids took the back burner too often. I knew that doing these things and taking this kind of time for myself made me a happier person which, in return, made me more effective at work, and more pleasant and patient at home.
So not taking time for myself was actually hurting the time I spent with others.
This workshop changed my life. Literally. I made a long list of things I wanted to do in different areas of my life and just started finding ways to do them. Since I've written the workshop,
I now:
• Read a book each week (check my book list out here)
• Make free digital downloads
• Do weekly layouts to encourage my learning of Photoshop
• Make movies that explain photography
• Spend more time playing with my family
• Started writing a new novel
• Have an etsy shop
The surge of energy that came from this workshop was stunning.
But, I'll be honest. Just recently, I've begun to feel worn out and decided I needed to scale back and take a bit more time to rest and be with my family. I think this is also normal. I was so excited with the possibility of all the things I wanted to do and all the things I could now fit into my new schedule that I took all of them on simultaneously. With time, I realized that some of those activities weren't actually making me as happy as I had anticipated. Life is always evolving and it's perfectly okay to take a step back and reevaluate. That's why I wanted this class to be open and active for all of 2010 so that as you go through the ebb and flow of your year, your time, and your emotions, your classmates and I are here to cheer you on and be the support you might need wanted to tell you about how this workshop affected me because I think it's the best way to explain what to expect. There are no magic tricks here. I have not found a way to create more hours in your day (how I wish!)
I have simply created exercises for you to see things as they are so that you can take control of your time. If you do the exercises, they will work, I assure you.
If you're curious about the project part of this class, I decided to make a minibook to hold all my process and findings and resolutions. If you're a layout person, this can easily be done in layouts as well. There's no wrong way to do this project and you use what's in your stash. We all have too much stuff, it's time we use some of that beautiful paper we've been saving.
I hope this answers some of the questions you might have about the workshop. If you have more, don't hesitate to contact me and I look forward to seeing you in class!
Thanks Karen for sharing a little bit about yourself and telling us more about this great class. I also want to thank to all of you for sharing your comments the last few days. I received some great ideas for things I’m going to do differently this year and I hope you did too! Our two winners for the free class are: Lois Houston and Erin Taylor. Please contact me at [email protected] to claim your seat.
If you didn’t win, please do sign up now. This wonderful class starts December 3rd and you'll want to get started on the pre-class assignments early. Best of all, we are now offering Reclaiming your Time at 50% off.