Summer is more than a season, it’s a state of mind. Fun and sun are the name of the game which makes me love the idea of summer but truth be told, I’m not the biggest fan. My family and I live in a coastal town where we not only get good weather all year along, but beach days are a part of our lives in every season. Perhaps that’s why I don’t feel the urgency that others feel for summer; it’s not such a dramatic shift in weather or landscape than it might be for other people. More than that, I know I’m the kind of person that thrives with a routine, a schedule, a regular day to day agenda and summer for me means the loss of the “I know what tomorrow holds” program that school so perfectly sets into motion during the rest of the year. I feel that I thrive during the school year (my kids being squared away and me working from home) while during the summer I feel almost suspended.
Fast forward to this summer—which will have officially begun by the time this post goes live—where I’ve deliberately decided to make this summer different! Thanks to a change in perspective and a desire to really make the most of the season by enjoying the moment (whatever it might be), I created Picture Summer! The best part? I’m asking all of you to join me!
No matter what your favorite season might be, if you love photography, you will love Picture Summer. Whether your summer boasts a blur of activity or a serene seasonal slowdown, encouraging your creative spirit to soar this summer is a perfect way to open your eyes and warm your heart to all the delights this season can offer. I for one, can hardly wait!
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