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June 28, 2010


Monica LK

I have posted 2 photos (Cherries and sweet cherries), both about our trip to a cherry festival. How can you more picture summer with cherries free to pick everywhere around you?! My girls loved it...


My favorite summer memories are those of long days spent in the sun playing in the sprinkler with my neighborhood friends. I posted a picture a my son spending one of those days on his new slip-n-slide, ahhh memories!


I posted a picture of my daughter during the first slip'n slide fun of this year!
My favourite memories are the times of the summer my sister and I spent at my aunt's (especially in her pool)!

Erica Blakley

I would LOVE to win!

Uploaded two summer photos...Bubbles and First Swim!

My favorite summer memory was spending a week at my grandparent’s lake house! I was eight years old and they lived on several acres of land. Add swimming in the lake, a fort, swing set, and a play house (which, my grandfather built by hand) and you have the perfect summer memory!

kelli johnson

how fun! Photo Posted!

We went with the grandparents to DC for the day and although it was hot, we had a blast seeing the museums! Including the Smithsonian's new hands on bug exhibits. So fun!

Becky Shogren

Love camping, we never get to do it enough. Cooking hotdogs over the fire, swimming in the lake, fishing, s'mores and so much fun.

Shannon Weeks

I posted a picture of my little boy on the slip and slide! He is too young to get the concept so my husband had to push him down the slide. He loved it! It sure does bring back memories of slip and sliding as a kid. So much fun!


I too ended up posted two photos- "She still spoils me & I'm 50" is from last summer when I turned 50 and my sweet sister spoiled me once again- this time by flying me to CA to spend my BIG 5-0 with her; the second, "I couldn't be more proud" was when my daughter participated in Special Olympics for the first time this year and was thrilled with the ribbon she won for finishing her race!


I have posted my photo! A happy summertime memory for me is camping with my family. We had a modest little trailer and we didn't go very far from home. I loved exploring the campground with my brother and sitting by the campfire in the evening.

Marina D-K

My photo is posted, "At the Rancho Santa Ana...".

My favorite summer memories are spending days and nights hiking and camping with my dad in many different National and State parks across California. We are continuing the tradition with my daughter (pictured). =)

Christi Parker

I posted two because i couldn't decide ("Pure Love of Dance" and "Typical Noah"

My favorite summer memories involve dance conventions. As a child my sister and both danced competitively so we got to travel all over the place for dance conventions. The summer ones were always in interesting big cities; NYC, Chicago, I even ended up in London, England.


I posted my photo!
Favorite summertime memories from childhood mostly involve trips to Holland Lake, MT with all my cousins. Lots of time in the water, playing on the beach and fun meals with my huge extended family (51 cousins on that side!)

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