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June 16, 2010



I am looking forward to not making lunches twice a day.


Can't wait to go to the fair! I like looking at the exhibits, eating "fair" food", going through the livestock, etc.


I am looking forward to a non scheduled summer, no bed time nights, tons of sleep late mornings and lots of pool time.

Cynthia H

I cannot WAIT until our local dairy has root beer frozen yogurt on tap! They change the flavors every week, and root beer is the absolute best flavor of the summer!


I'm looking forward to traveling! We'll be hitting the beach stateside, then two weeks in Ireland visiting my MIL. Can't wait!


I'm looking forward to not having to teach my homeschooled kids...aka relaxed schedule! Woohoo!!!

Thanks for this opportunity.


I'm looking forward to our family holiday. A month of lazy starts, relaxing by the pool, eating good food but most of all spending time together. It's also bittersweet - my oldest starts school in August so want to savour the time.


I'm looking forward to time spent with family and more photos to scrapbook!!


I'm looking forward to family picnics at the pool ~ lots of laughter, fun and good food.


I'm looking forward to taking grandchildren to the lake....


Summer in the City: I'm looking forward to strawberry margaritas with friends on a patio, fireworks over the lake, a picnic, an open-air concert, savouring a hot dog from a street cart, the air show and pink candy floss at the local fair!

Kathryn Whittaker

I am looking forward to not having to do homework with my kids for the summer! Yay, summer!

Angela H

I am looking forward to puppies our dog is due anyday now...I can't wait to scrap their growth over the summer!!


i work 7days a week & have for almost 20yrs - this summer, i have a HUGE goal to take one day off a wk. I am SSSSSSOOO looking forward to THAT and seeing how long it lasts ...teeheehee. hugs and see you in class! CaroleMac


i am looking forward to my first summer as a SAHM!!


I'm looking forward to no homework for a few months. Easier on the kids and me!

Karen S.

I am looking forward to scrapping the 12-day Mediterranean cruise we just took...ready to relive it over and over through creating the scrapbook!!


I'm looking forward to no routines!!!


I'm looking forward to free evenings (free from scheduled lessons and activities) and spending time outside with my family!


Looking forward to watching my son play baseball all summer-----

Looking forward to spending time at home with my 11 year old son, a break from alarm clocks & demanding schedules, time to create & rejuvenate!


Looking forward to spending time with my boys, going to the beach, ice-creams, fun days out, sunshine etc. And throwing the clock out of the window!!


I'm looking forward to visiting my best friend in San Francisco this summer! :)

Bethany E.

Looking forward to moving into our first home!!

Nancy M

Looking forward to... more relaxed schedule, vacations with my family, evenings hanging outside in the backyard :)

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