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« Just keep on clickin' with Elisha Snow | Main | Tuesday Tip »

July 26, 2010



I have been so inspired by Stacy Julian's "U R Cre8ive" class and it's touched every part of my life. I am so much more aware of colors, little pieces of amazing nature and the good people who make my life incredible. BPS has been the best thing ever to happen to my scrapbooking and my life!!


I am highly inspired by quotes. They bring images of people I love and/or respect, past experiences to journal, lessons I'd like to teach, photos I want to pull and scrap, different perspectives to explore, etc.


I'm inspired by light - especially sunlight dancing or reflecting.


I am inspired by the beautiful creations I see online.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Lisa Henderson

This week I'm inspired by all the blog posts out there with all the new releases for CHA--It makes me want to scrap!


I am inspired by the Mormon Messages that can be found on YouTube and They often help me to remember the bigger picture (no pun intended).

Dawn F.

The expressions on my children's faces inspire me. Thanks for the chance for this class.


I am continually inspired by the love of others.


The motto 'Keep it Simple' is a constant inspiration to me.


I'm inspired by so many things: color, my kids' faces and the way their brains work, stuff I see as I shop for food or down the aisles of big-box stores, my neighbor's garden, shapes of clouds, in short just about everything around me! Thanks for a chance to win.

Kiki K

I'm inspired by my surroundings! thank you for the chance!

tammy Thomas

I am inspired by all the men and women who are serving our country, and even more inspired by their loved ones/spouses that are left at home.

So I'd like to issue a challenge to anyone who is a photographer (or an amateur like me) to do a free photo session for a family who is sending off a loved one soon.

I did mine today and it was so fun! The man reports tomorrow evening and flies out to Iraq Wed. morning. what a sacrifice it is, this is his 2nd time


I am inspired by just about everything and person around me, but what inspires me the most is when I remember that I am never too old to do the things that I had once planned, even if life gets in the way from time to time. Other words that I find inspiring are "This is the day that the Lord has made. Rejoice in it and be glad" Psalm 118:24


Dr. Seuss, a brand new notebook, my family, a sunny day after several rainy days, open windows in the spring -- love the inspiration in the little every day things.

Kathryn Whittaker

I feel inspired by other creative people. I love to be where they are creating or seeing what they have made. I am inspired by creativity!

Jenny McGee

I try to find inspiration, but usually I just go with the flow. I would love to find more inspiration in the everyday. Thanks for a chance to win.

Carol Grady

I am inspired by all of the beautiful things around me...the sky, the grass, the sound of water rushing onto the beach, my little girl's laugh, the cat purring, my husband saying my name...there is so much!


What draws me to take a deep breathe in and charge fully confident into a project or page layout is when I have hours streched before me and I can dipple with what I am trying to do. That is my inspiration for most attempts with my photos and stories.


I am a visual person, so to mix it up I'm trying to draw more inspiration from sounds. Music, children laughing, birds singing, audio broadcasts - it's all fodder from which to draw aural inspiration. Elizabeth's class sounds (no pun intended) wonderful!

Haley D.

Inspiration can be found in so many places! I guess my current favorites are blogs and websites I like to check out.

Angela H

I'm inspired by magazines from the layout design to colors. Better Homes and Gardens has a color page each month with paint colors but I use it to inspire my scrapbooking.


I get so inspired by all kinds of random things around me... But then I don't know what to do with them! Sounds like a great class, and thanks for the chance to win.


Here are a couple of my favorite "inspiring" quotes:

"She who risks gets to drink champagne." ~Russian proverb

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now!" ~Goethe


I'm inspired by morning light - I watched it on the mountains and the wheat fields this morning and I'm definitely planning a natural light shoot one day this week!

Cathy S

I really love Stacy Julian's I Love Color challenges. Not only do I get a color palette to try, but I love the prompts that get me thinking about stories associated with these colors.

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