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September 09, 2010


belstaff jackets

Very lucky but nice to see such a wonderful article, each reading has a different benefit. Thank you!

UGG Classic Mini

Your article is useful for me. It is a good article.


I can't wait for class to begin!!!!!! Really really really can't wait! :) It will be my first class at BPS!!! Excited (just a little....)


Sure wish I had the time (and the money) - maybe next time.


I remember taking a class from CZ in person at a CKC many, many, many yrs ago! Simple Scrapbooks sponsored. Anyway, she was so full of life and animated one would almost conclude she was on "happy pills" or something. I myself just loved her right away and she is so talented computer and graphics wise something I am really poor at. One statement she made that I will never forget was that many of us aren't really living life, we are standing on the outside with our cameras taking pictures of life...LOL. These are not her exact words, but the idea is similar. Maybe she can remind me of her exact words because they were really funny. Maybe i can find a coupon code and sign-up 'cause I need this! Thx Cathy and BPS--your teachers rock!

Cindy Howard

I've taken this class before and Cathy is great. I considered doing it again just for the new videos, but don'thave time right now. Ya'll have fun.


Too funny! I may have to take the class just so I can listen to her!

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