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September 08, 2010


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It’s that time of the year when we celebrate life, look back at past mistake and resolve to make the future better. I wish you all late Merry xmas and a very prosperous new year.

Emily M

I am a reality TV junky!

Kelly Driver

While browsing Facebook one day I saw that one of my friends had run in the Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon. I thought, "Wow, that is crazy, but if you are crazy enough to run a 1/2 Marathon then Disney World would be the place to do it."

Two weeks later while participating in a challenge posed by Stacy Julian, to look back at past scrapbook pages I found a single page layout that was titled "10 Things to Accomplish In My Lifetime". I had created this page almost 10 years before and of the 10 things on the list I had actually done 6 of the things. Of the remaining 4 I saw, "run a marathon". WHAT??? Why would I write that? I hate exercising. I especially hate running.

Two weeks later (after doing much research) I bought my first pair of running shoes. In July I registered for the 2011 Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon and last week I ran 8 miles. People ask me why I'm doing this and my answer is always the same...I'm doing this for me!

Outi Suominen

Well, I love murder mysteries - especially English ones - and hate my thumbs. And I'd love to have this class cause I read Cathy's blog and I think she is awesome!

Pam Varney

I like dipping my toes in the lake in the early morning; the way corn bursts with flavor in my mouth when I bite into a freshly cooked ear;crickets chirping outside my window; and sitting in the hottub after dark watching lightning bugs in the woods near by.

Christine H

I decided to get healthy and take the time needed to do so (meaning I now FIND time to go to the gym, and I love it!)....I have lost 100 lbs and am working on the last 40!


I can't stand spiders, I secretly jam out to the Beach Boys and Nickelback when I'm angry, and I can pick up just about anything with my toes

Kristyn G

i hate doing housework!


About me: I love wheel of fortune and eating yogurt covered pretzels. It's the little things that make me happy :)

Would love to take this clasa (again!) and hopefully finish it this time!

Nikki R.

I teach school, and like the upper grades. I love to read, almost anything! I enjoy Harry Potter, and told my students today that the "secret" is that I'm a nerd! (They didn't think it was much of a secret!)

Katie Kelley

I grew up a cat-lover & cat owner of 10+ cats as a kid, arguing with a friend in 4th grade whether cats or dogs are better. Now I have adopted the 8 yr. dog of a close friend and I have changed my opinion - and every day I learn about devotion from the brown eyes of our dog. If someone had told me this last year, I wouldn't have believed them one bit.

Brenda in Sunny SoCal

About me... I watch TV on the computer while everyone thinks I'm working (on top of the 2 hrs I watch TV on an actual TV).... I LOVE technology!


I enjoy reffing basketball. I find it much easier to stand my ground in a uniform and not take comments personally. Plus it is great exercise.

michelle Huegel

I secretly love America's next top model and the fashion designer equivalent :)


I feel at home in nature.

Barb M.

Reality TV is a man-hour sink hole for me. I loose myself in the craziness of Real Housewives of (fill in the blank with your favorite geographical location here.) I have done many a scrap page while listening to the insanity.


I like watching SportsCenter with my boys every morning.

lynne moore

Where to start? I don't like drinking water from open glasses. Only sealed bottles. Sad I know. I'd like to be more eco-friendly, but just can't pour water from a dispenser into a glass or bottle without feeling like there are creepies in my water.

I also dislike confrontations, but have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and don't ever want to give up that training because I get to kick things as hard as I want.

My oldest started college, but I am happy he still lives at home. (His younger sister isn't so happy about that.) He's a cool kid to have around and I love having to remind him to turn his rock music up louder so i can hear it too.

Birute P

I am a closet Hilary Duff/Amanda Bynes movie fan! Whenever I feel the need to watch something lighthearted and silly, I almost always reach for one of these movies!

ana smith

I love washing dishes by hand, my husband thinks I'm crazy since we have a dishwasher! ps would love to win, I've already book the recommended book for the class.

Dawn J

Wow! I'm learning so much about everyone (as I sit here and drink my diet coke). Some of our Aussie friends have pointed out that it is Seagulls not pigeons in Nemo so I have updated the post. Too many years of living in the desert for me.

Jan Betka

I have to be in the right frame of mind to do most things- cook, clean house, read a book, even scrapbook! But when I am, that's all I want to do.

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