I'm thrilled to announce annual "Take August Off" promotion.
image link.
From the launch of Big Picture Scrapbooking, we have had an ethic of "relax and have FUN." We believe a stop-and-smell-the-roses mentality is crucial to our health as creative professionals and to our success as human beings engaged in the art and passion of storytelling. In an effort to be true to this ethic, we decided that every year in August we would invite our teachers to reach out to our community in the spirit of sharing and encourage each other to relax, enjoy, be inspired and have FUN.
Each spring we discuss possible themes that might guide our month-long campaign of sharing. This year I've had the opportunity to work closely with three of our great teachers -- we lovingly refer to them as our featured teachers -- and I hope I speak for all of them when I say we have really enjoyed the commitment to a greater degree of collaboration. Lisa Damrosch, Georgana Hall and Elizabeth Dillow are accomplished women who approach teaching with caring and passion and yet approach teaching from very different places and with different talents and skill sets. It has been enriching for me to spend more time with them.
As the four of us discussed our plans for August, we kept coming back to the context of our daily lives as they are affected by the growth of social media and the online culture as well as the struggling (but recovering) global economy. We (everyone) is so busy all of the time, we feel a need to be continually multi-tasking or at least fully informed, connected and engaged in the moment, camera in hand. There is so much that vies for our attention. At the same time we are trying to do more and more, we seem to have less and less to work with -- both in terms of time and money. We decided that even in the midst of this imposed scarcity, we can choose to find and feel inspired and when we do, we will inevitably find the solutions we need in to move forward, prepared and optimistic.
This is a very LONG and perhaps somewhat esoteric way of saying ... OUR AUGUST PROMOTION is LIVE with the theme:
You are officially invited to set aside whatever it is you think you should be doing and login in to our FREE classroom, so you can treat yourself to some good old fashioned inspiration. There is much to be had, so pull up a chair (grab your timer if you need to) and enjoy.
note: These ideas will not quench your actual thirst, so you may want to grab a nice tall glass of lemonade first!
Love May's work!! I need recipes for journaling!!! I always struggle with that. I would love to win a seat in May's class!
Posted by: Stacie Schultz | October 03, 2008 at 07:31 PM
So, Stacie, please email admin @ bigpicture scrapbooking.com (without the spaces, of course) to claim your spot!
And watch out for more giveaways this week! :)